Millions in Britain are set to receive a £300 cost of living payment, as well as the £650 that was split over two payments and the £400 rebate to help with energy bills. The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the extra £300 as the governments response to the cost of living crisis the country is currently in. The extra funds will be made available to pensioners who qualify for the Winter Fuel Payment.

A Government spokesman said :
"If you're entitled to a Winter Fuel Payment for winter 2022 to 2023, you will get an extra £300 for your household paid with your normal payment from November 2022. This is in addition to any cost of living payment you get with your benefit or tax credits. The full amount of Winter Fuel Payment you will get for winter 2022 to 2023 depends on your circumstances."

The amount paid will depend on a persons circumstance. The second part of the £650 payment for lower-income homes will also start to be paid in November.

Work and pensions secretary, Chloe Smith, said:
"Millions of families will soon see a £324 cash boost as part of our extensive £1,200 support package, helping to raise incomes and manage the rising cost of living. We understand that people are struggling which is why and we're committed to supporting the most vulnerable households. That's also why we are focused on driving growth and delivering quality public services so we can continue to support those in need through these challenging times while boosting opportunity for all."

Source: JOE